

We make sure that our clients get only positive emotions while using our services. Everyone’s opinion matters as each one helps us get better.
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State organizations

"Avtokhozstvo UMTO Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management ("Автохозяйство УМТО") thanks Aurika LLP for the timely delivery of fuel to the facility. They make shipment of fuels and lubricants in full and without prevarication or delays. The supplied goods always correspond to all quality and technical characteristics, according to the quality certificate of the goods, which has passed all the necessary tests and certification. Thank you for your cooperation, quick response to the announced volumes”"
Akhmetov Maksut ZeInullinovich
Head of the Fuel and Lubricants Warehouse
"“The Aurika Company has gained a reputation as a reliable supplier in the fuel and lubricants market. City Ambulance Station State Municipal Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management under the Akim’s Office of Nur-Sultan city notes your attentiveness to the client's requirements, efficiency and professionalism. Round-the-clock regular service at gas stations, timely replenishment and provision of reports on smart cards and of course the quality of the goods always meet the stated requirements”."
Mazhitova Laura
Senior Manager of Legal Support and Public Procurement Department
"“During the period of our cooperation, Aurika LLP has shown itself as a competent, efficient supplier and the desire to do its job efficiently and on time, has become for us the ideal of mutually beneficial cooperation”."
Akparov Daulet Jambuovich
Manager of the Logistics Department of KAZTEKHNOLOGII JSC
"“Aurika LLP is a repeated winner in tenders for the purchase of diesel fuel and gasoline. It has established itself as a reliable partner-supplier. During the entire period of cooperation, deliveries were made on time and in full. In the course of work, the employees of the company showed a high level of professionalism”."
Yerbol A. Bektursyn
Head of the Transport Department of the University Medical Center Corporate Fund.


"I would like to express my gratitude to Aurica LLP and its team for cooperation and for quick and high-quality work and especially to the Sales Department"
Kadyrov Damir Azamatovich
Mechanic’s Assistant of Asia Korgau LLP
"“Firma Alkon + LLP (ТОО « Фирма Алкон +») has been working with Aurika LLP for 10 years. During the period of cooperation, Aurika has established itself as a team of high-level specialists”."
Kariyev Nurzhan
Head of the Process Flow and Engineering Department
"“Bazisniy Center LLP (ТОО «Базисный центр») cooperates with Aurika LLP, which proved itself from the professional side. The employees of this company are qualified, helpful and polite. Of particular note is the accounting officer Marina who has high professional qualities and efficiency "."
Abdrakhmanov Yerlan Sagidollayevich
Chief Mechanic of Bazisniy Center LLP (ТОО «Базисный центр»)


Adilet OOZP
Astana city
On behalf of the consumers of Astana city, we express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the high quality of services and goods.
The Federation of Kickboxing and Contact Martial Arts in Astana city awards you with a certificate for the ongoing sponsorship for the development of kickboxing among children and youth.
Special Olympics
For supporting sports programs for children with disabilities in the development of the Special Olympics program in Astana city.
1 место
Blue Planet
Aurika company is one of the largest companies providing services in the market of transportation, sale and storage of oil products in Kazakhstan

Thanksgiving letters

Regional Center for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations of Sandyktau Village SMI
Expresses sincere gratitude and deep gratitude for the sponsorship provided on the eve of Children's Day.
Branch of the public association "Kazakh Society of the Blind", Astana city
Expresses gratitude and great appreciation for the charitable assistance and support for the visually impaired.


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